Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 30th

A lot has happened since the last time we saw each other i did a few shows, Level Up 2 at The Shelter in Detroit, Stars Are Born showcasing as The Magic Stick. Started work on my 3rd musical project IIKINGS with my brother @_Zamar(were 8 tracks in by the way.....we're going for 13). Though my biggest achievement to date was me opening up for Sir Michael Rocks of The Cool Kids. It was something that i always told myself i would do and i did it. On paper it looks good but to me it doesn't feel all that special because i know there will be even bigger moments in my life time. I wanna thank everybody who voted for me to perform at TAUT(The Air Up There) and all the folks that have supported me in some shape or form over the years. DREAMS DO COME TRUE! THANK YOU......

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