My brother, my womie Aye Peez dropped his first solo project entitled "The Lockout" Saturday. Produced entirely by himself.
This project was basically me showing the people the story of someone telling you that you can't cash out at your own will, but no one can stop your hustle, the lockout don't stop us from BALLIN!" - Aye Peez
This project was basically me showing the people the story of someone telling you that you can't cash out at your own will, but no one can stop your hustle, the lockout don't stop us from BALLIN!" - Aye Peez
With the NBA season starting back up. Peezie dropped this right on time. CLICK THE PIC TO D/L!
- David Stern
- Underdawgs
- Larry Johnson ft. Manny D and ZelooperZ
- MICH RichMen ft. Maz
- Making Moves (Skit)
- FootLocker
- Ricky Rubio (Manny D)
- Flagrant ft. QMannn Jones & CrackKillz
- Ron Artest ft. TW Nolo
- Shawn Kemp (VIP)
- Gary Payton ft. Gil & QMannn Jones
- Shimmy Walker ft. QMannn Jones, Gil and Mr. Champagne
- Jamaal Crawford
- Shaq N' Kobe ft. VIP
- Kobe's Prom ft. QMannn Jones and VIP
- Fresh As Fuck ft. Yeroc Obama
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